




202149日,岔路学校五年级英语备课组进行了一次集体备课活动。备课内容是Unit 4 Seeing the doctor, 集体备课后本年级组周丹丹老师教师执教了本节课并进行了研讨







 五年级英语教材每个单元的第一个板块story time较长教师在新授时可以创设情境,五年级的课文以语篇为主,本次集体备课主要关注学生在在情境中感知的能力。






周丹丹老师在五(8)班执教Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 五年级英语教师听课学习。



周丹丹:本节课教学内容为Story time,是在医院看病的场景,教师首先可以创设医院的场景,让学生直接进入文本。本课的教学目标是能听懂、会说、会读单词:brush one’s teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What’s wrong with---? What should ---do?及其回答。能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。




五下 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor

Story time


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:brush one’s teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:What’s wrong with---? What should ---do?及其回答。

3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。



1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。

2. 掌握What’s wrong with---? What should ---do?及其回答。




2.能正确地听、说、读brush one’s teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine 等。


四、教学准备:卡片, PPT




Step 1 Warming-up

1. Say a rhyme <Are you ill>

2. Greeting

3. Free talk

   T: How are you?

   S: Im fine, thank you.


Step 2 Lead-in

1. T: Good. Everyone is here. No one is absent. Look at this picture. Our friends are having a lesson too. But two students are absent. Who are they?

   S: Su Hai and Mike.

   T: Yes, look at this picture. Su Hai and Mike and ill and they are seeing the doctor.

     What do you know about them?



Step 3 Presentation

1. T: Yes. First, we want to know whats wrong with them. Now lets watch and try to find out the answer.

   T: OK. Whats wrong with Su Hai?

   S: She has a toothache.

   T: Yes. Lets check the answer. Su Hai says: I have a headache. I feel cold. OK. Whats the meaning of cold here? (Teach feel) . The doctor says: Let me check. You have a fever. (Teach check)

   T: Whats wrong with Mike?

   S: He has a toothache. (Teach toothache)

   T: He cant eat anything. (Teach anything) So he goes to see a dentist. Whats the meaning of dentist? People who teach English or people who check your teeth? Can you guess?


   T: Yes, youre so clever.

2. T: Do you have any other questions about Su Hai?

   S: What should she do?

   T: Yes, she has a headache and a fever. So what should she do? Now lets listen and choose.

   T: Now lets check the answer. (Teach medicine)

3. T: Now do you have any questions about Mike?

   S: ...

   T: OK. Now open your books, turn to page 37. Read this part by yourself and try to finish the case of illness.


   T: Now lets check the answer.

   Why does he have a toothache?     

   Because he eats a lot of sweets.

   What should he do?              

   He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. (Teach brush his teeth, bedtime)

   He shouldn’t eat too many sweets. 

4. Now lets read the whole text after the computer. While reading, please pay attention to the pronunciation , intonation and the tone.

   Now read with your group members.

I can read the whole text.

I can read the text fluently.

I can read the text fluently and emotionally.


Step 3. Consolidation

1. Now girls read part 1 and finish exercise 1. Boys read part 2 and finish exercise 2.

2. T: Are you familiar with the whole text? Now lets play a game. It calls Memory Challenge. For example: xx, whats wrong with Su Hai?

   S: She has a headache.

   T: Very good, you have a good memory.

3. T: You ask ask like this.

   Now the first one asks the student behind you, and the second student answers the question and asks another question to the next student, do you understand?

3. Su Hai and Mike are seeing the doctor. They are in the hospital. The other sick people may have different illness. Such as : toothache, cough, cold and headache. You can act in group, one as doctor and other three students as sick people.


Step 5 Homework

1 Recite the dialogue.

2 Tell your parents how to keep ourselves healthy.




                 Unit4 Seeing the doctor

Whats wrong with...?

What should ...do?

What shouldnt ...do?

Su Hai

has a headache

feel cold

has a fever

have a rest

take some medicine

drink warm water


has a toothache

brush his teeth

eat too many sweets


