





2021331日,岔路学校五年级英语备课组进行了一次集体备课活动。备课内容是Unit 3 Asking the way, 集体备课后本年级组余珍教师执教了本节课并进行了研讨







 五年级英语教材每个单元的第一个板块story time较长教师在新授时要注意词,句和篇的关系,五年级的课文以语篇为主,本次集体备课主要关注学生在阅读中整体感知的能力。






余珍老师在五(10)班执教Unit 3 Asking the way 五年级英语教师听课学习。



周丹丹:本节课教学内容为Story time,教学过程以任务活动为驱动。首先通过看图讨论的形式引出课题,然后教师提出“如果你是Yang Ling,你会怎么问?”,引导学生关注本课重点问路句型,然后通过看动画排序帮助学生整体感知故事。接下来教师将文本解读分为乘地铁前和下地铁后两个部分。

陈刚:第一部分通过听录音、看图、标路线等方式帮助学生了解Yang Ling 乘地铁的具体路线,在此过程中,教师根据“词不离句”的原则重点新授station和next to两个新词。该部分安排了描述Yang Ling乘地铁路线的活动,旨在及时考查学生对新内容的理解和接受情况。





Unit 3  Asking the way

Story time


Teaching contents  教学内容

Story time


Teaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标

1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:take, get on, get off, walk, turn right, turn left, traffic lights, ask … for help

2. 基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:How do I get to…?及其回答You can get on the metro/bus at …Station. Then, walk to/go along … Turn right/left at the traffic lights. You can see the … on the right/left并理解句型的意思。

3. 能较流利有感情地朗读故事,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 学生能够在理解的基础上较流利地朗读故事。


Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点

教学重点:1. 能听、说、读大量地点短语与指路的动词短语。

          2. 学生能够在理解的基础上较流利地朗读故事。

教学难点:1. 问路与指路用语的熟练表达。

          2. 地图中左右方向的辨认和表达。


Teaching procedures  教学过程

Step 1 Pre-reading

1. Enjoy a song: How can I get to the zoo? 

2. Free talk:

T: Do you want to go to the zoo?/Where else do you want to go? /How do you get there? /Do you go there by…?



Step 2 While-reading

1. Part1—Taking the metro

(1) T: Su Hai has a new home on Moon Street. Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hai’s new home. Look! What’s she doing? (PPT呈现Story time1)

S: She’s calling Su Hai.

T: Why?

S: She doesn’t know the way to Su Hai’s home.

T: Yes, so she’s asking the way to Su Hai’s new home. (引出课题:Asking the way)

  (2) Listen and answer

     T: If you were Yang Ling, how would you ask?

     S: (自由回答) Where’s your home?/Is your home near …?/Can you tell me the way to your home?

     T: How does Yang Ling ask the way? Listen and repeat.

     S: How do I get to your home, Su Hai? (教读)


(3) Watch and order: How does Yang Ling get to Su Hai’s home?

     S: BDAC

     T: Yes, first, she gets on the metro. Next, she gets off the metro. Then, she asks a policeman for help. And finally, she turns right at the traffic lights.


(4) Listen and choose

a. 听录音,完成选择题1。同步教学新词汇station, metro station, train station, bus station, Park Station, City Library Station

 b. Teach “get on/off the station” with TPR

 c. 完成选择题2同步教next to

(5) Read Part1 after the tape together.

(6) 在图中标出Yang Ling乘地铁的路线。

(7) 根据地图上的关键词,描述Yang Ling乘地铁的路线。


2. Part 2—Walking

(1) Read and judge

a. Yang Ling is on Sun Street now. (Yes)

b. Yang Ling can find the bookshop. (No)

(2) Ask and answer

   T: Can Yang Ling find the bookshop?

  S: No, she can’t.

   T: What does she do?

   S: She asks a policeman for help. (新授ask  for help)

   T: How does she ask for help?

  S: (学生自读) Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? (新授excuse me)

(3) Read and find

   学生两人一组,画出指路的句子,并完成P28 Look and say的路线图


(4) T: Which is the right way to Su Hai’s home?

     S: Picture C.

     T: Can you describe it?

S: Turn right at the traffic lights. (图片辅助,教turn right/left, traffic lights)

(5) Read Part2 after the tape.

(6) Describe the way with “first, next, then, finally” in pairs. (接龙操练路线图)

(7) 根据板书小结故事。



Step 3 Post-reading

1. Read the whole story after the tape. (指导感情和发音)


2. Read the story together.

3. Choose one picture and act in pairs.

4. Act in pairs. (同步将苏海家附近的关键建筑物贴于板书)



Step 4 Summary


(1) How to ask the way: Excuse me, how do I get to …?

(2) How to tell the way: You can take a metro. Get on the metro at  Station and get off at … Station. Then, walk to/go along … Turn right/left at the traffic lights. You can see the … on the right/left.


Step 5 Consolidation

在板书中Su Hai家附近贴上shoe shopflower shopfood shop三处,帮助BobbySamBilly到达这些地方。

【设计意图:小结问路、指路语言,复习文本, 基于故事稍做变动与提高,将所学知识灵活运用于不同场景。】


Homework  家庭作业

1. Tell your friend the way from Yang Ling’s home to Su Hai’s home.

2. Think about your way from home to school.


Teaching aids  教学准备(含板书设计)


板书设计:           Unit 3  Asking the way



