




1215,六年级英语组的全体成员进行了第五次集体备课活动。本次活动主要围绕佟宁老师的教研课Unit6 Keep our city clean开展讨论,研究如何重新优化组合教材,从而进行篇章整体性教学。


() 教学内容:译林新版牛津英语 6A Unit 6 Keep our city clean

Song timeCheckout timeand ticking time

() 教学目标:

1.学生能熟练运用本单元所学内容完成checkout time

2.学生能熟练掌握句型:…make(s)the… dirty/messy. To keep the …clean, we can…

3. 会唱歌曲Two little blackbirds

() 教学重点:

学生能熟练运用本单元所学内容完成checkout time

() 教学难点:

1.学生能熟练掌握句型:…make(s)the… dirty/messy. To keep the …clean, we can…


() 教学准备:


() 教学过程:

Step1 Warming up

T: Hello, boys and girls, what day is it today?

T: What’s the date today?

T: What’s the weather like today?

Step 2 Review

1.      欣赏城市宣传片《邂逅南京》,再观察被污染的城市图片。

T: Let’s say something about the pictures.

  Is the city clean?

  What makes the city dirty?

  What can we do to keep the city clean?

2.      Try to be“ a city guard”.

3.      Brain storm. (Know more about our city)

What do you think of our city?

4.      Think and say.

What can we do to keep our city clean?

Step2 Checkout time

1.      Look and write

 Look at the pictures. What can you see in these pictures?

The bedroom is … 

The park is …

The classroom is …

The air is …

 T: Yes, they are dirty or messy. To keep them clean, we can… Please write down your ideas and fill the blanks.

Check the answers.

板书: …make(s)the… dirty/messy.

To keep the …clean, we can…

Talk about the pictures in groups.

2. Look and say (Know how to keep our city clean)

(1) Show a picture

T: Here’s a picture of the room. Is the room clean? Now make some sentences about the room with this sentence pattern. You can discuss with your partner or your group members. We’ll have a competition. Which groups can say the most sentences?

(2) Have a competition

(3)Summary: Your ideas are great. To keep the room clean, we should put the things in the right places.

Step3 Song time

1.      Say a chant. “Keep the room clean.”

2.      Let the students read by themselves.

3.      Let’s do.

How do we make more people keep the city clean?

4.  The students read by themselves again.

5.  Read together.

6. T: Now let’s sing a song . This song is about two blackbirds. One named Jack and one named Jill. (named名叫)The intonation is almost the same as the song we just sang. (歌曲的曲调和我们刚才唱得差不多)Let’s watch and song. Try to follow it.(学生一边看一边模仿跟唱。)

7. 改编歌曲《Keep our city clean

Step4 Ticking time


I know how to keep our city clean.

I can use”make”,”keep”and”can”.

I know how to use rising and falling intonation.

Step5 Homework

1. Make some sentences about our classroom with the sentence pattern.

…make(s)the… dirty/messy. To keep the …clean, we can…

2. Review unit6 

() 板书设计:

Unit6 Keep our city clean

…make(s)the… dirty/messy.

To keep the …clean, we can…


本课是复习板块,我将Unit6的知识融会贯通到一起,用Try to be a city guard为背景进行任务教学。其间组织各种丰富多彩的课堂活动,锻炼培养学生听说读写的能力。Checkout time部分主要是对单词及短语的再次应用,要求学生能够根据图画内容,填出相应的短语。在学习之前,可以让学生回顾一下本单元的生词表,巩固学生的记忆。Ticking time部分要求学生用canmakekeep自由组句子,可以是学生背诵的本单元的句子,也可以是学生自创的句子,在造句的过程中注意不要有语法错误,例如单复数和第三人称等,让学生养成良好的学习习惯。最后,改编Song time部分的内容为儿歌,和孩子们根据节奏齐读,因为学生接触英文儿歌的机会比较少,加上中国人生性内敛,学生往往羞于表现,在这方面应该多多鼓励我们的孩子。当播放Two little blackbirds这首旋律简单的歌曲,孩子们已经可以随之律动起来,并能运用所学尝试创作。以后可以多改编这些歌曲,因为国外的儿歌一般韵律简单,节奏清楚,比较适于小学生的学习,在学习的过程中要特别注意英文单词在儿歌中的发音规律,这样有利于英语语感的培养。

我也注意了利用课堂教学内容,进行情感教育,告诉学生不要随便丢垃圾,让他们知道由此所带来的社会影响,注意保护身边的每一寸土地。Better city, better life!
