2023年12月7日,潘雪蕊老师在录播教室开设了一节教研课。上课内容是六年级上册Unit 7 Protect the Earth。
本单元Story time围绕保护地球这一主题提倡节约用水、节约能源、节约木材、少用塑料,通过贴近现实的情境让学生进一步了解一些环保知识并学会用语言表达自己的观点。
③潘雪蕊老师在录播教室开设教研课六年级上册Unit 7 Protect the Earth,全体英语教师听课学习。
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:protect, Earth, save, useful, waste。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:We use water to clean things.、We should save trees.、We shouldn’t drive so much。
3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:reuse, energy, most, coal, oil, wood, plastic。
4. 能理解课文内容,并能尝试复述课文,能够尝试用should和shouldn’t对日常行为提出建议并说明原因。
5. 关心环境保护,知道一些环保小常识。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Warm-up
T: Hello boys and girls. We have five new friends today. Who are they? Watch and find them! (教师播放歌曲)
S: …
Step 2 Pre-reading tasks
1. Let’s compete
T: Who are our friends?
S: …
T: (展示关于塑料的图片) And this is plastic. It is our good friend. We use it every day! How can we use it?
S: (分组讨论)
T: OK! Now it’s your show time! Let’s have a competition between Group A and Group B. Ready? Go!
S: (以小组的形式进行比赛,看谁说出的塑料用途多)
T: Great! We still have two black friends. Look! This is coal. The other is oil. (展示关于煤和汽油的图片) We can use them to make energy. We often use the five friends. So they are useful. Where do they live?
S: They live on the Earth.
T: Yes! They live on the Earth. We live on the Earth too. The Earth is our home. But look! Is the Earth happy? Why is she sad? She wrote us a letter. Watch! We make the Earth sad. Now we should protect the Earth. (用PPT呈现本单元标题) Today we are going to learn Unit 7 Protect the Earth.
S: (跟着老师读单元标题)
2. Protecting the Earth
T: What do you want to know about protecting the Earth?
S: …
T: I’m glad you can ask good questions. That can help you with your reading. What should we do to protect the Earth?
S: …
T: Good idea! We should not use too much …! We should save it!
Step 3 While-reading tasks
1. Water
T: What should we do to protect the Earth? Please pick up your books. Read the text quickly and tick! (用PPT呈现选项,让学生阅读完课文后进行勾选) Boys and girls, when reading for the first time, we should read fast and get the key words and sentences.
S: (阅读课文,完成练习)
T: Well done! Water is important. We should save water first. Why should we save water? How can we save water? Please read Part 1 and find the answers to the questions.
S: (阅读第一部分,完成练习)
T: Good! Now can you guess what “waste” means?
S: It means “浪费”.
T: Now we know we should save water. After washing things, what can we do with water?
S: …
T: Yes, we can reuse it. What can we reuse water to do?
S: …
T: Good idea. And maybe we can reuse it to mop the floor. Maybe we can reuse it to water the flowers.
2. Energy
T: We know a lot about saving water. How about saving energy? Pick up your books, read Part 2 and find the answers to the questions. (用PPT呈现两道判断正误的题目)
3. Trees and plastic
T: You know a lot about saving water and energy. How about trees and plastic? It’s time to read on your own. Group A, put up your hands please. You read Part 3 and make a report about saving trees. Group B, put up your hands. You read Part 4 and make a report about not using plastic.
S: (分组阅读并准备报告)
T: Now it’s report time. Can you report about saving trees? Let’s invite Group A to report first. Group B, please listen carefully and complete this chart. (用PPT呈现板书;结束后请B组学生汇报,A组学生完成表格)
S: (依次完成任务)
Step 4 Post-reading tasks
1. Read the story after the tape
2. Retell the story
Homework 家庭作业
1. Copy the new words and phrases of Story time.
2. Read Story time fluently and try to recite and retell it.
3. Making a poster about protecting the Earth.
Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 7 Protect the Earth
Water Energy Trees Plastic Not much Not much Keep the air clean Bad for the Earth Not waste Not drive so much Not cut down Not use too much Save and reuse Save Paper bags Glass bottles |
本单元Story time围绕保护地球这一主题提倡节约用水、节约能源、节约木材、少用塑料,通过贴近现实的情境让学生进一步了解一些环保知识并学会用语言表达自己的观点。本节课是说明文,相对于以往的故事、对话,略显枯燥,生词也比较多,有些句子也比较长,而小学生的思维则是以形象思维为主的,他们容易被生动、形象的事物所感染。所以,教学时我力求做到具体、生动和形象。
“兴趣是最好的老师。”运用情境教学,能活跃课堂气氛,激起学习热情,激发学习兴趣,更能使学生有如置身于英语学习的世界里,促进每个学生更好地学习课程。在课的开始,我通过呈现地球的自述,生动的图片配上活泼的语言,让原本枯燥的知识变得鲜活起来,通过询问Who’s she? What’s on her surface? What’s in her body? 发散学生的思维,激发学生的旧知,活跃了课堂学习的气氛,让学生广泛灵活地思考,同时又自然地引出了本课话题“Protect the Earth”,扫清了部分生词障碍。