




2021526日,岔路学校六年级英语备课组进行了一次集体备课活动。主要探讨苏云露老师的小教研课Unit7 Summer holiday plans,课后本年级组教师针对学英语高年级学生的阅读与积累进行了探究



听课:2021526日上午第  研讨:上午第四节课





研讨小教研课Unit7 Summer holiday plans针对小学英语高年级学生的阅读与积累进行了探究







Teaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标

1. 会听、会读、会写单词、词组travel, traveler, travel around the world

2. 会用first, next, then来按序表达或者介绍自己的旅行计划。

3. 能正确朗读Cartoon time部分,并能在角色扮演的基础上有感情地朗读。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点


1. 会听、会读、会写单词、词组travel, traveler, travel around the world

2. 正确朗读Cartoon time

教学难点:有感情地朗读Cartoon time

Teaching procedures  教学过程

Step 1 Warm-up

T: Which country can you find Uluru in?

S: You can find Uluru in Australia.

T: How about Niagara Falls?

S: You’ll find Niagara Falls in Canada.

T: What about the Grand Canyon?

S: You’ll find the Grand Canyon in the US.

T: And the Buckingham Palace?

S: You’ll find Buckingham Palace in the UK.

T: Let’s read Culture time together.

Step 2 Presentation

1. T: Where can you find out about these kinds of interesting places?

 S: On the Internet./In the book./On TV.

 T: You can find easily in this kind of book: travel book. (travel book读音)

 T: A travel book is about travelling. (板书)

2. T: Bobby is reading a travel book too. What’s his dream? Can you guess?

 S: A reporter?/A traveller?

 T: Yes. He wants to be a traveller. Hell travel around the world. (around the world)

3. T: So, Bobby wants to travel around the world. He is talking about his travel plans to Sam. Look at the pictures. Which country will he visit?

 S1: He’ll go to the UK.

 S2: He’ll go to the US.

 S3: He’ll go to Australia.

(引导单个学生用first, next, then,然后集体来说一说)

4. Think and say

 T: Why will Bobby go to the UK? What’s his dream?

 S: He wants to be a …

T: Gentleman.

 T: Why does he want to go to the US?

 S: He wants to be a cowboy.

 T: What about going to Australia?

 S: He wants to be a baby kangaroo.

 T: Bobby is so lovely. He wants to try many things.

T: Then how will he go there? Do you have some ideas?

 S1: He can go there by plane.

 S2: He can go there by train.

 S3: He can go there by ship.

 S4: He can go there on foot.

 T: Lets see how he will go there. (播放卡通看结果)

 S: He’ll go there by taxi.

5. T: Imagine you are Sam. What will you say?

 S1: Are you joking?

 S2: You should go there by plane.

6. T: What do you think of Bobby?

 S1: …

 S2: …

 S3: …

 T: Is Bobby foolish?


Step 3 Practice

1. T: Let’s enjoy the story by reading it vividly. Pay attention to the intonation.

2. T: Read by yourselves.

3. Read in pairs or groups.

4. Act before the class.

Homework  家庭作业

1. 跟录音朗读Cartoon time 3遍。

2. 完成配套练习册本单元的内容。

Teaching aids  教学准备(含板书设计)



Unit 7  Summer holiday plans


First, …

Next, …

Then, …