
江宁区岔路学校(小学)英语教研组活动 3

江宁区岔路学校(小学)英语教研组活动 3


今天,徐倩倩老师在录播教室开设了一节教研课。上课内容是四年级下Unit 6 Whose dress is this?本单元讨论的话题是以化妆舞会为场景,呈现了服装的主题和名词所有格的语法知识。教学重点是学生能够理解文本并能正确、流利地朗读文本。教学难点是准确区分Whoseis it/are they? Its/ Theyre…’s.的单复数形式用法





 一.教学目标Teaching Aims

1. 能听懂、会读、会说和会运用词汇too, trousers, glove, so, jeans, shorts, party, dress

2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用日常用语Whoseis it/are they? Its/ Theyre…’s.

3. 能初步了解名词所有格的用法;区分表示程度的形容词too, so以及准确区分Whoseis it/are they? Its/ Theyre…’s.的单复数形式用法。

二.教学重Teaching Key Points

难点Teaching Difficult Points

能初步了解名词所有格的用法;区分表示程度的形容词too, so

以及准确区分Whoseis it/are they? Its/ Theyre…’s.的单复数形式用法。

.教学过程 Teaching Procedures

Step1 Warm up

T: What day is it today?

S: Its...

T: Whats the weather like today?

S: Its sunny.

T: In such a fine day, what can you do?

S: I can fly the kites.  I can go to the park.

T: Yes, you can enjoy this fine day.

Look, how about Su Yang and Su Hai. What will they do?

Step 2 Presentation and practice

T: They will go to the Fancy Dress Party. First, they should prepare for the party. They should wear different clothes.

1. Remember and say

T: Do you remember these clothes? Whats this?

S: Its a jacket./a cap /a T-shirt/a skirt/a coat/a sweater

T: Yes, very good.

2. Learn the new words

(1) (Learn other clothes)

T: These clothes are very nice. Look at Miss Zhangs clothes. Is this a skirt?

S: No , it isnt.

T: Whats this ? Its a dress.(教授dress)  

T: Look at my dress.

S: Its beautiful/nice.

T: Thank you.

(2) (教授trousers , gloves)

T: Whats she wearing? Is she wearing a dress?

S: No.(裤子)

T: Its not a dress. They are trousers.

T: Are they trousers?(拿出准备的手套)

S: No, they arent.

T: They are gloves. (love-gloves)

  Look at my gloves.

S: They are so nice.  (教授so 那么,如此)

(3) T: Lets talk about our clothes.

T&S T: Look at my dress.           S1: Its so beautiful.

   T: Thank you.

   T: Look at her skirt.            S2: Its so nice.

Work in pairs.

(4) (T自带女儿的T-shirt)

T: Look at this T-shirt.

S: Its too short.    (too 太)

T: Yes, Its my daughters T-shirt. Is it nice?

S: Yes ,its nice.

3. Guess and say

T: Before class, I took some clothes of the students. Lets guess.

Whose ...is this? Its ...s.(Learn whose)两个对话

Whose...are they? They are...s.

T: Whose dress is this ? S: Its Su Hais.

T: Yes. Su Hai and Su Yang ,they are wearing the dress. Lets watch the story time and answer my question .What are they talking about?

Step3 Story time

1. Watch and say

(1)T: What are they talking about?

S: Clothes.

(2)T: What clothes are they talking about ? Lets read and circle.

S: Dress, trousers, gloves.

(3)T: Before the party, Su Hai and Su Yang, they will prepare for the party. Read and choose. A too long   B too short

Su Yangs dress is B too short.

Su Hais trousers are A too long.

(4)Learn to say P1P3 (注意语音语调)

(5)At the party, boys and girls watch and match.

A: Whose gloves are they?      B: They are Su Hais fathers.

A: How about these gloves?     B: They are so big.

A: Whose dress is this?        B: Its Helens cousins.(教授cousin 堂妹 表妹)

A: How about this dress?       B: Its so beautiful.

T: Youre right. Good job.

(6)T: Now lets learn to say P4-P6. (注意语音语调)

(7)T: Try to say(试着用下面的句子说一说)

This dress is …’s.   Its too /so.

These are …’s.    Theyre too / so

2. Lets follow.(播放动画,注意点一句,读一句)

3. Lets dub.(播放动画,静音)

4. T: Now lets go to the party and enjoy the party with them.

Step4 Consolidation

T: Boys and girls, lets design the partners clothes for the party.

Hello, these are …’s clothes for the party.

Look at his/her . Its/Theyre (too/so)

Haha, Its / theyre…’s


Eg.S1: Hello, these are S2s clothes for the party

   Look at his gloves. Theyre so big.

   Haha, theyre his fathers.

Step5 Homework

1. Copy the new words two times then remember them.

2. Read and recite Story Time after class.

3.  Preview Cartoon time, listen and read three times.


Unit6 Whose dress is this?

Whose is this?    Its …’s

Whose are these? Theyre …’s

This ... is …’s.   Its too /so.

These are …’s.    Theyre too / so



课前,以头脑风暴的游戏,带领学生说出big, red和T-shirt的同类词,激活学生的已有知识储备。这个游戏的形式是先由老师带领学生玩儿,再由小组进行,这样做的目的是提高学生的参与度,让每一个学生在课堂一开始就全身心地投入到学习中。

课堂伊始,我以一首趣味性强的关于party的卡通片导入,渲染参加聚会的气氛,调动学生的学习热情;接着,我以学过的服饰类的单词和三年级上册Unit5的展示服装的句型为切入点,让学生介绍朋友的服装,既复习旧知,又为学习新知打下基础,并渗透本课重点句型Whose is this?

处理文本时,我先组织学生看动画整体感知故事谈论的话题以及谈论的服饰;针对文本的主要话题之一,我设计了Listen and complete,让学生找出所谈论的四件服饰的特征,厘清文本脉络,并培养了学生的听写能力;通过质疑the big gloves和the beautiful dress的主人,我让学生自己提出关于whose的问题,小组内解决问题,凸显学生的自主性与探究性;在理解完文本后,我对学生进行了朗读的指导。

最后,我创设了Fancy Dress Party的真实情境,让学生穿上家人的、朋友的衣服在班上进行展示、评价。学生在真实的情境中运用所学的句型进行交际,通过语言交流,以达到综合运用所学语言知识的目的,体现语言的学习价值。


这节课也有许多不足之处:1.处理文本时不必设计第二环节的what clothes do they wear?而应该询问How are these clothes?.询问学生穿了什么衣服这一环节学生找起来有所困难,环节上没有递进。2.教授单词时不必把三个文本出现的单词单独拎出来进行教学,可以把单词教学融入其中询问学生知道哪些服装,进而自然的进行教学。
