江宁区岔路学校(小学)英语教研组活动 4
一、 情况概述
今天徐倩倩老师在录播教室为大家带来了一节教研课。上课内容是三年级上课Unit 5 Look at me。本单元从常见的衣物开始学起,涉及到四种不同的衣物“T-shirt,skirt,jacket,cap”,以及赞扬别人的基本句型。通过本单元的学习,从认识周围的人到认识周围的实物的过程迈出了坚实的一步。
二、 综合评价
徐老师课前准备充分,课堂上能利用手边的实物和学生身边的实物进行教学。1.课堂一开始利用歌曲和游戏导入,带学生迅速进入英语学习状态,为后续学习做好语言准备。2.Free talk环节利用所学进行介绍,从介绍自己到介绍他人,最后引出look at me,衔接自然。3.课文学习,通过看动画、听录音、自读课文等多种方式渗透文本,徐老师在一些难的地方做了细致的示范,学生与教师配合默契。4.能利用丰富的肢体语言进行知识点讲解,帮助低年级孩子克服困难。5.对学生及时评价,给与表扬,学生自信心高涨,课堂互动良好,教学目标基本达成。
三、 教学设计
Unit5 Look at me!教学设计
教学内容:Story time
2、能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my.... It’s nice. How nice! It’s great. Look at me! Great!
4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的 衣物并相互做出适当的评价。
2、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的 衣物并相互做出适当的评价。
教学设计 | 修改及设计意图 | |
Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk (T-S): T: Good morning,... S1: Good morning, Miss xx. T: (对自己不熟悉的学生提问)Are you ...? S2: Yes, I am. T: Hello, .... S2:Hello, Miss xx. 2. Introduction T: I’m your teacher. Who wants to introduce yourself and your friend? You may say’Hello, I’m ... Look, she’s/he’s my friend.’ S:(Introduce) 3. lead in Now, look at my… Is it nice? Say “nice, nice, nice” to me. Thank you.
Step 2 Presentation
T: You speak good English. Now, look. I have a box. Is it nice? S: Yes. T: Yes, a nice box. T: What’s in the box? Let’s open it. Oh, three bags. Are they nice, too? S: Yes. T: You may say ’nice’.(做动作带读nice,/ai/大组轮流读) Look at this bag. What’s in the bag?(拿出包里的东西) a T-shirt(领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读) T: Look at the T-shirt. S(引导学生说)It’s nice! T: Look at this blue box. What’s in it? Look, a T-shirt?(用手把裙子抓成一团) S: No, a skirt. T: a skirt(领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读) Look at this skirt. S: It’s nice!(带读It’s nice.) T: Here’s a yellow box. What’s in it?(引导学生猜一猜) S:A T-shirt/ a skirt? T: Look, it’s a cap. (领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读) T: Look at the cap. S: It’s nice!
T: The skirt, the T-shirt and the cap are all nice. Do you have nice clothes? S: Yes. T:Who can show us? You can say’Look at my....’(带读句型) S: Look at my T-shirt. T: Nice! S: Look at my skirt. T: Great! Do you know ‘great’? It means very nice.(出示句型卡片,带读Great!It’s great.) S: Look at my... Ss: It’s nice. It’s great!(多请几位学生评价) Step3 Look, read and learn 3. Talk about the picture T: We have nice clothes. How about this girl? Who’s she? S: Yang Ling. T: Who’s the woman? S: Yang Ling’s mother. T: Yang Ling looks happy. She’s going to a fashion show. So she’s trying on nice clothes? What clothes is she trying on? Let’s watch the cartoon and tick the right pictures on the paper. 4. Watch the cartoon T: What clothes is she trying on? S: A skirt, a T-shirt and a cap. T: Are they nice? S: Yes. T: Mum is praising her. How does Mum praise? Let’s watch the cartoon again. Try to remember what mum says. 5. Watch the cartoon again and get to know how mum praises. T:What does Mum say? Please tell your partner first. (1)Talk in pairs (2)T: How does Mum praise her T-shirt? S: It’s nice. T: How does she praise her T-shirt? S: How nice! T: (板书并带读)How nice!(引导学生做动作) T:What does she say about her cap? S: It’s great. T: At last, Yang Ling is very happy. She says this sentence. Can you read it?(出示句型卡片,让学生试读Look at me!) T: What does Mum say at last? S: Great! T: Yes. Now, do you know how to praise?(PPT 出示Learning tip) T: When we want to praise, we can say(引导学生一起带动作说评价语)... 6. Read the dialogue (1)Read after the tape (2)Open the books and read after the teacher(读对话时要提醒学生用手指着书上的句子逐句跟读) (3)Read by themselves (4) Read in groups (Half of the Ss play Yang Ling, and others play Mum) (5)(T-Ss 示范表演) T:Now, I’ll be Yang Ling. Can you act as Mum? (6)Act in pairs (7) Act out(提前准备表演对话的服装道具,引导学生用上道具表演) Step 3 Production 1. Say a chant T: Yang Ling has nice clothes. She’s very happy. Here’s a chant about nice clothes. Can you say it? Look, look. Look at my T-shirt. Nice,nice. Oh, it’s nice. (1)Say it by themselves (2)Listen to the teacher (3)Say together (4)Make a new chant 2.T: I can make a new chant. Listen!(教师示范改编儿歌) Can you try? Talk in pairs (1)Say the new chant (2)Play the game ’Fashion show’ (3)Demonstration
Step4 Homework: 1.跟读对话五遍并背诵对话。 2.下节课带彩色报纸、水彩笔、剪刀和胶水。
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课堂五分钟检测内容设计 | ||
评价手册P14第一题 listen and judge | ||
| Unit5 Look at me!
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四、 教学反思
3A Unit5 Look at me (story time) 教学反思
江宁区岔路学校 徐倩倩
2. 情境创设一体化
Look at my T-shirt/skirt/cap…来展示自己的服装,并用nice和great赞扬别人,是本课的学习重点。故事的理解及表演,是本课的难点,我设计了不同的活动:在上课开始的欣赏歌曲中渗透;在模拟的的情景中学习,在表演中巩固,在自编chant中运用,通过这些措施分散重点,循序渐进,稳步推进教学。
本节课当中仍有一些不足:文本教授时过于简单快速,可以在衣服的每次颜色改变后让孩子们上来展示,教师也可进行适当的朗读指导。其次对于now这个词的教授,三年级的孩子可以用ppt展示意思的方式,并且教师也要加以解释。最后就是对于这一课重复出现并且有趣的dang dang这一语气词可以贯穿整节课,从课前与学生的交流以及课堂的开展实施中渗透。
五、 活动照片