
江宁区岔路学校(小学)英语教研组活动2 茆心怡老师大教研

江宁区岔路学校(小学)英语教研组活动 2


今天,茆心怡老师六(3)班开设了一节教研课。上课内容是六年级下册《Unit4 Road safety》第三课时.本课由三个板块构成——Sound time,culture time, Cartoon time这三个板块对马路安全这一话题进行了延伸。学生除了复习已经熟知的交通规则以外,还要对于国外的交通原则有所感知。卡通板块主要是Bobby和Tina去阿姨家路上开车遇到的一系列状况。语音版块则是让学生感受英语语音语调中的重音这一概念,学生有一定的感知即可。






Unit4 Road safety (Cartoon timeSound time & Culture time)





3)通过Cartoon time的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演。







1.通过Cartoon time的学习,提升学生的自主学习能力。




Step 1 Warm up

  1. T: We all know that there are many rules in our daily life. We have rules for our class too. Look at them!

(1)  Keep your eyes on me.

(2)  Listen carefully.

(3)  If you want to answer the question, please raise your hand.

  1. Watch and say

T: Here comes our daily talk show. Say something about the pics and you must use a whole sentence! Am I clear?

(1)  You mustnt/shouldnt/cant park your car here.

(2)  You mustnt/shouldnt/cant turn left here.

(3)  This road is for bus only. / Only bus can drive on this road.

(4)  There is a school nearby. You should drive carefully.

(5)  T: What can you see in this pic?

Look at the drivers gesture, guess what will he say to the pedestrians?

  S: You can go first. / Please cross the road first.

(6)  T: Let me show you a very interesting pic. Guess which country is the pic from? Why? (S: Australia. Because there is a koala and a kangaroo on this traffic sign.)

  T: What does this sigh mean? ( S: You should drive carefully. / You should let the animals cross the road first.)

  T: Yes, animals dont know how to cross the road safely. So we should slow down and wait for them to cross the road first.

(7)  The driver stops and waits for the ducks to cross the road first.

Step 2 Presentation

  1. Listen and sing

T: Lets enjoy a song about how to cross the road safely. Listen!

T: Do you think that the song is very lovely? Lets clap our hands and sing together!

T: Where can you find the traffic lights? (S: On the road.)

T: Look! Bobby and Tina are on the road now!

  1. Listen and think

(1)  T: If you were the policeman/policewoman, what will you say to them?

T: Lets listen what does the policeman say?

(2)  T: Listen again and try to find out the stressed words.

T: Why do we stress these words? (出示原因)

  1. Listen and answer

T: Now they crossed the road and come to the telephone booth.

T: Listen and answer: Who do they call? How do they get there?

  1. Watch and answer

T: How many times does the bus stop? (S: Two times. / Twice.)

  1. Read and judge

T: Read the story by yourself and judge the sentences: true, false or not given.

  1. Imagine and guess

T: Now the bus stops again. Whats happening? Discuss with your partners!

  1. Listen and imitate

T: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  1. Choose and show

T: Work in groups and choose one way to read or act the story out! Ofc, you can add a new ending to your new story!

  1. Work and act

  2. Enjoy and answer

(1)  T: Look at the pic. What does it mean?

T:In the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.

(2)  T: In which countries or cities, cars drive on the left? Lets watch the video.

T: UK. Japan, Australia, Hong Kong and Macau.

(3)  T: In China, except Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the right side of the road.

(4)  T: Which side are you going to look at first when you cross the road in the UK?

  1. Complete and read

T: Lets fill in the blanks together.

Step 3 Summary

T: Wherever we are, wherever we go, follow the rules as we always do.

Step 4 Homework


Unit 4 Road safety

                    (Period 3)



教材六年级下册第四单元学习了道路安全,与五年级学的问路有相似之处,比如traffic, road, left, right等之类的词,但是在学习完本单元内容后,发现学生不能熟练的表达,当然可能是因为cross, safe, safely, safety等词的朗读与运用混淆了,同时可能也因为学生对于一些交通规则并没有很了解,比如穿马路时先看左边,再看右边,然后再看左边。因此在教授英语知识的同时也和学生强调了交通安全知识,也让他们区别了欧洲与中国驾驶道路的不同,让他们熟悉英语文化,了解英语知识。当然所有学过的知识并不是一次都能完全掌握的,需要在平时生活中经常接触并运用,因此在以后的教学中要注意对语言的运用,从而让孩子们真正掌握知识。

